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Episode 62: Does any of this matter?

Episode 62: Does any of this matter?

Like all things we do for a long enough time, I've sometimes found myself asking, "Do these episodes matter? Does anyone really care?" I don't say that with self-pity, but it does cross my mind. It's a human thing to ask this question... "Does what I do matter in the scheme of things?" This episodes spends a moment looking at this question. Come join the conversation.

Don't forget to register for the Everything is Waiting for You Spring Retreat. Spots are filling up. Come say yes to participation and emerging with us! Much love to you all.

Episode 47: The good, the bad, the ugly

Episode 47: The good, the bad, the ugly

Don't we often forget to equate disunity and silencing of one another's stories? I've been thinking a lot lately (and teaching on) trauma, suffering, and telling our stories in truthful, helpful ways. This episode centers around how sharing our pain creates unity in the body of humans. Come join the conversation.

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