
Episode 52: A lot can happen in 52 weeks

Episode 52: A lot can happen in 52 weeks

Well, we've come this far. Let's keep going! Today we celebrate 52 weeks together on this podcast. Come listen to some of the lessons I've learned (most of which I never could have expected) over the last year, and enjoy one of my all-time favorite songs in the world at the end (even though I have Stevie Wonder's "Happy Birthday" in my head...). Much love, friends!

Blessing: "Dare" by Jeff Foster

Episode 48: The thing about journeys...

Episode 48: The thing about journeys...

Growth always awaits us in life, no doubt. But there are certain times in which we are called to journeys full of trial and questions without answers. So what's happening during those journeys? And how can we stay the course if they're worthwhile? Come join this conversation.

P.S. It's almost our 1 year anniversary! I love hearing what this podcast has meant to you (thanks to the many who have written already to tell me). Email me at lifeinthewhirlwind@gmail.com.

Episode 38: (Be)longing

Episode 38: (Be)longing

Everyone, at some point in their lives, has said, "I just want to belong." But what we end up doing in attempts to belong often brings about the exact opposite experience, bringing shame and feelings of rejection. Brené Brown says that fitting in is the enemy of true belonging. In this episode we explore practices and questions that may lead to a greater sense of true belonging. Come join the conversation.

Email, comment, ask! Lifeinthewhirlwind@gmail.com.

Episode 36: This is not Heather Drew

Episode 36: This is not Heather Drew

I can barely believe it, but I completely FORGOT to post my episode this week...until today. I apologize for the lateness. I'll try to make sure it doesn't happen again. To make up for my tardiness, I have an episode for you that is...well, a little different. You'll have to listen to find out what I mean. (smile) Hope you enjoy, my friends. xoxo

Episode 26: Lizard vs Human

Episode 26: Lizard vs Human

On the front page of my website I have a line that says "Don't merely survive...FLOURISH." I started this entire project as a result of observing how often we survive, and how rarely we actually flourish as we were created to. While the survival part of our brains is a virtuous gift when a bear is chasing us, there is something so much more expansive and generative that is always available to us.

In this 6 month anniversary episode (!!!!) I have a tender, loving invitation for you, my dear friends. Come check it out. Much love and happy anniversary!

Email me! What has this 6 months meant to you, personally? What do you want more of? What visiting voice are you dying to hear (or hear again)? Send your emails to lifeinthewhirlwind@gmail.com.

Episode 21: If the Whole World Were a Foot

Episode 21: If the Whole World Were a Foot

Too often we think our gifts and unique qualities are not "enough" simply because those with whom we share community do not also possess those qualities and gifts. We don't blend. We stick out like a sore thumb, perhaps. Yet variety and diversity is exactly what we all need. Come join this conversation, examining and challenging the ways in which you might judge certain gifts and qualities as less-than when perhaps "different" is what we were created to be.

Email anytime! lifeinthewhirlwind@gmail.com.

Episode 17: Life in the Process (Visiting Voice: Ryan Thomas Neace)

Episode 17: Life in the Process (Visiting Voice: Ryan Thomas Neace)

This week I've got a real treat for you...a visiting voice! An artful one, at that. But first, let me whet your whistle.

So do you ever happen to notice that we go through our days having innumerable experiences just underneath the experiences that are obvious to the naked eye? We say things, but how often do we realize why we say them, or from what part of us they come? When we have an emotional response, we often act upon it in some way, but how often do we reflect on what that is rooted in?

For this episode one of my dearest friends, Ryan Thomas Neace, joins me to talk about process. Process, as we talk about it in this episode, is the choice to experience, expand, and share our awareness of our life's subtext in order to nourish the space inside us and between us & those with whom we share life. Ryan and I both  practice process in our own lives as a way to deepen a quintessential aspect of what it means to be truly human: to know and be known by one another. So I thought it would be fun to talk about in an episode! Come join the conversation as we look at the value, practicalities, barriers, purposes, etc of process as a life-giving practice.

Production note: In my constant pursuit to practice authenticity in this podcast, this episode contains some "sound blemishes," including some crackling, some cell phone interference, and (best of all) a very human moment between us where Ryan thought his audio had stopped recording and we had a brief moment of fear. I chose to leave these in, hoping you'll enjoy our humanness as much as I did.

Any questions or comments? Please email me at lifeinthewhirlwind@gmail.com. Feel free to copy Ryan in on any emails about this episode as well. His address is ryan@changeincorporated.org. And please read more of Ryan's deep and multitudinal wisdom at his website by clicking here: Ryan Thomas Neace on the interwebs.

Episode 16: A Teeny Tiny Introduction to Non-Attachment

Episode 16: A Teeny Tiny Introduction to Non-Attachment

I don't know about you, but I think it's so nice to have vocabulary for what we experience in everyday human life. One of the things we experience is attachments to certain outcomes. But there is a lot of value (ancient value, I would daresay) in practicing choice and action while also practicing the release of outcomes. In this first episode of many (I hope) on non-attachment, we scratch the surface of non-attachment, its value to bring us into more whole versions of ourselves, and its ability to help us flourish. (That's a good idea, hmm?) Come join the conversation!

Thanks for all your emails. Keep them coming. I'm treasuring each one and compiling them for a future episode I hope to do on listener emails! Email me at lifeinthewhirlwind.com.