Episode 62: Does any of this matter?

Episode 62: Does any of this matter?

Like all things we do for a long enough time, I've sometimes found myself asking, "Do these episodes matter? Does anyone really care?" I don't say that with self-pity, but it does cross my mind. It's a human thing to ask this question... "Does what I do matter in the scheme of things?" This episodes spends a moment looking at this question. Come join the conversation.

Don't forget to register for the Everything is Waiting for You Spring Retreat. Spots are filling up. Come say yes to participation and emerging with us! Much love to you all.

Episode 61: Listen to the body

The body is telling a story. Are you listening?

Mentioned in this episode: The Liturgists Podcast, Embodiment episode. (Check out the amazing Hillary McBride reading a poem "Dear Body" at 1:06:43.)


ANNOUNCEMENT! Spring retreat registration is open!
Visit http://www.lifeinthewhirlwind.com/events/everything-is-waiting today


Episode 59: Life as practice | visiting voice: Caleb Cliff

Episode 59: Life as practice | visiting voice: Caleb Cliff

For this episode my friend Caleb Cliff joins me to talk about 5 questions regarding how we might see life as practice, not mastery. In addition to some enjoyable conversation, make sure you hear our cool announcement at the end of the episode. Not to mention the global debut of one of Caleb's original songs, "Para" (written specifically for this episode, you all are the first to lay ears on it!). Come join this stimulating conversation as well as talk of future plans.

We'd love to hear what YOU are hungry and thirsty for. What do you want to learn more about? What do you feel you've lost that you'd love to find again? What have you always wanted to know more of? What kinds of things rekindle your inner fire that could be shared in a co-learning community? Please share your heart's passions with us so we can consider this for our upcoming ventures that we'll be planning to bring to you all very soon. Leave a comment in this episode at www.lifeinthewhirlwind.com/podcast/episode59. It will help us so much, thank you!

Episode 57: The Overview Effect of Dr. King

Episode 57: The Overview Effect of Dr. King

Dr. King's message of interconnectedness and "zoomed-out-ness" has just as much relevance if not more so today than it ever has. We are faced with incredible threats of division and separation from our fellow human beings that are based on fear, prejudice, and inexcusable ignorance. Today, as we celebrate the life and passions of Dr. King, let's intentionally bring our awareness to his overview of humanity and how crucially interconnected we all actually are.

Episode 55: Hello, 2018

55 2018.jpg

This episode (recorded in NYC in a blanket fort, by the way) comes to you right at the edge of a new year. Exploring reasons and motivations to set intentions for new years, please come join this conversation about laying groundwork for growth – instead of setting goals for the new year that will only make you feel empty and inadequate. You are loved and valuable in all your particularity, my friends.

If you'd still like to register for the Winter of Listening Retreat on January 6, 2018 in the Northwest section of Philadelphia, check it out at http://www.lifeinthewhirlwind.com/events/winter-of-listening-retreat-2018.

Much love and happy new year, friends.

Episode 54: Releasing Meditation

Episode 54: Releasing Meditation

Christmas can be hard. We often slip back into old relational patterns with family and old friends. We can forget who we truly are, who we've become as we've journeyed deeper into wholeness. This is not permanent, of course, but it can be discouraging. Today's episode (Happy Christmas!) is a meditation that will hopefully help you re-center, moving closer back to your True Self in the midst of this holiday season. You are loved, my friends.

Episode 53: There actually IS something about Mary

Episode 53: There actually IS something about Mary

If there's a "formula" to being open to transformation, it's seen in Mary – Jesus's mother. In this episode I share the simple but rich things I find in Mary's amazing heart, mind, body, and spirit. I think she's kind of amazing, you'll see. Come join the conversation!

Thanks to Sleeping at Last, whose albums I have been playing on neverending repeat the last two weeks, for this beautiful song.

Episode 52: A lot can happen in 52 weeks

Episode 52: A lot can happen in 52 weeks

Well, we've come this far. Let's keep going! Today we celebrate 52 weeks together on this podcast. Come listen to some of the lessons I've learned (most of which I never could have expected) over the last year, and enjoy one of my all-time favorite songs in the world at the end (even though I have Stevie Wonder's "Happy Birthday" in my head...). Much love, friends!

Blessing: "Dare" by Jeff Foster