
Episode 32: Finding home away from home

Episode 32: Finding home away from home

In last week's episode we talked about the concept of home. Home isn't where you go to get away from the storm; home is a place of safety right smack dab in the middle of the storm. So in this episode, we expand on this topic of home, discussing how we can practice living at home, even when it feels so far off. Come join the conversation.

Email me at lifeinthewhirlwind@gmail.com or leave a comment on this episode at lifeinthewhirlwind.com/podcast/episode32.

Episode 15: 15 Seconds

Episode 15: 15 Seconds

What is automatic for us is often not the thing that best serves us –– would you agree? We spend so much of our lives in states of automatic thinking, feeling, acting and reacting. But what if, instead, we paused and did something very un-automatic instead? What would change? Come join the conversation on how this experiment can change a lot more than you might imagine.

Please feel free to email me your findings from this experiment this week! In your email let me know if you'd like your findings to stay private / anonymous, or if you don't mind me sharing them in a future episode perhaps. Email me at lifeinthewhirlwind@gmail.com.

Episode 9: Different Ways of Seeing

Episode 9: Different Ways of Seeing

Have you ever looked at something so many times that you stopped seeing it? Or have you ever been looking for your keys frantically, then suddenly you look down and they've been there the whole time? These are just simple examples of how there are different ways of seeing. In this episode we explore a lot of examples of how this might happen for you, how media and marketing appeals to certain ways of seeing, and how attachment to seeing things certain ways can deeply limit our development as people in the world. Come join the conversation, and hear a beautiful song that drives it home at the end.